Dermal Filler FAQs
+ What is dermal filler?
Dermal fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid which is naturally found in our bodies. Dermal filler is a soft, gel like substance which works by boosting the skins natural supply of hyaluronic acid to target specific areas that are lacking desired volume and shape. It is injected into the skin at different depths to help soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and also to add volume and shape to other areas and contours of the facial anatomy.
+ Is dermal filler safe?
Dermal filler is safe to use when the main component of the product is made up of hyaluronic acid - this is because it is already naturally found in your body. This differs greatly to when filler first made it debut and other substances such as silicone were used instead. Like any procedure, dermal filler treatments DO carry risks. We will always make sure each client is educated on the risk factors before committing to a treatment.
We are highly trained in emergency protocols, should we ever need to take action. We always have the emergency dermal filler dissolving enzyme on site aswell as an EpiPen.
+ How long do results last?
Results are immediate and can last up to 12 months depending on your metabolic rate, your lifestyle and the product used.
For first time clients, results will fade quicker than someone who has been building up their dermal filler for years, expect them to last around 4-6 months.
+ Do the injections hurt?
We apply a strong topical numbing cream to the area of treatment which will help manage pain and our products also contain lidocaine which is an anaesthetic numbing agent.
Pain will vary based on your own pain threshold, the product and technique used, and the focus area of treatment.
We will always work slowly and carefully to avoid causing any unnecessary trauma to your face, but you will likely still feel a level of discomfort.
We advise clients to take a paracetamol prior to the appointment to help manage the pain.
+ What risks are involved in having dermal fillers?
Severe risks associated with dermal fillers are rare, but always a possibility and should not be taken lightly when considering a treatment.
We are of course trained to the highest standard to be able to identify and deal with an emergency situation if it was to arise.
Some of the risks include:
Infection and longterm scaring
A blocked blood vessel which could potentially cause a vascular occlusion if not treated quickly
Lumps, bumps, nodules and filler migration which may require dissolving to remove and/or surgery in more complex situations.
+ It's my first time having dermal fillers, what can I expect?
Firstly, you will be invited to come in for a complimentary consultation where we will asses your needs and agree on a treatment that is right for you. We will run through any medical history, address the risks associated with having dermal filler and answer any of your questions and areas of concerns.
If you decide to go ahead with the treatment then we will disinfect the area, apply the numbing cream, map out the area (if necessary) and slowly begin to inject. We will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the treatment and check if you want to take a break. After a series of injections your treatment will be over and we will talk you through all the aspects of aftercare.
Initial swelling and/or bruising is likely to be present especially when treating the lips and this could worsen throughout the next few days.
Results are immediate, but due to swelling and bruising the ‘true’ result will not be visible for up to 2 weeks once the filler has fully settled and your face has recovered from any needle trauma.
Lumps, bumps and unevenness can also occur after the treatment and this too can take 14 days to settle. Please do not worry, this is completely normal.
We will be available should you need to contact us about your treatment or side effects and you will be invited to attend a 2 week treatment review so that we can make sure you are happy with your final results.
+ How can I prepare for my dermal filler treatment?
1 week prior:
- Avoid blood thinning over the counter medications such as aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, and aleve.
- Avoid supplements including vitamin E, primrose oil, ginseng, garlic
2 days prior:
- Avoid topical products such as retinol glycolic acid, or any '“anti ageing” products.
- Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, using hair removal cream on the area treated
- Do start to take arnica tablets 2 days prior (or earlier if you wish)
24 hours prior:
- Avoid alcohol
- Take a paracetamol
- Take an anti allergy
+ Can dermal filler be removed if I do not like the look of my new enhancements?
We understand how scary it can be deciding to go ahead with any dermal filler treatment and that is why we always give our clients as much information as possible so that they can make a clear and informed decision.
Once your dermal filler treatment has settled after the 14 days, we are sure you will love your new look and won’t be able to stop looking in the mirror!
Dermal fillers do carry a misconception of looking and appearing very ‘fake’, but please do not worry as we specialise in natural, elegant and subtle looking results.
We are, of course, always on hand to advise our clients on which treatment we think would be most flattering (if any) but please don’t worry, if we think it won’t suit you, or if we don’t believe you need it, then we will tell you so that you can make an honest and clear choice to proceed or not.
If however, you end up regretting your decision about getting dermal fillers, we can do an elective dissolving treatment to remove the filler entirely, and your face will return to its natural state.
+ What areas can you treat with dermal fillers?
The areas we treat with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are:
Lips - to increase shape, size and volume to the lips. We can also treat smokers lines as well as any other smaller finer lines around the lips.
Cheeks - to enhance the cheekbones structure which can ‘lift’ the face especially for clients worried about the ageing process.
Jaw - to enhance and define the jawline, which can in turn create a slimming affect on the face. We also cater this treatment for men who want to appear more anatomically masculine by widening the jaw
Chin - to elongate and slim the face
Nasolabial folds - to fill the lines around the mouth otherwise known as smile lines
Marionette lines - to fill the lines from the lips to the chin which can become present as we age
Acne scars and superficial lines - to plump out small fine lines and fill deep acne scars
+ Why do you not offer dermal filler nose augmentation?
Nose augmentation is not something we were taught in our advanced dermal filler training due to the severity of potential risks in that area.
Although extremely rare, complications associated with treating this area can be fatal. If dermal filler was mistakingly injected into the main facial artery which runs up the face, alongside the nose, then the filler could block the artery and stop the blood supply to the eye and in worst case scenario, the brain.
This is an extremely serious high risk area and should be taken with extreme caution.
We may decide to offer this in the future if we feel comfortable doing so, however we would urge anybody wanting to have a nose augmentation to visit an experienced injector and ensure they do their own research to weigh up the risks involved with treating this particular area.
+ Am I a suitbale cantidate for dermal fillers?
Before going ahead with any treatment, you will undergo a thorough consultation and be asked to fill out a medical declaration form. This is to ensure that it is safe for you to have the treatment as not everybody is a suitable candidate for dermal fillers. If you have any health conditions or are currently taking any medication please contact us ASAP and we can advise you further.
Under NO circumstances are we able to treat the following clients:
Under 18s (ID required)
Those who have previously experienced anaphylaxis or extreme allergic reaction to anything
Pregnant or breast-feeding women
Those who carry an EpiPen
Those who are undergoing, due to undergo or have recently undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment
Those who suffer with auto immune diseases, heamophilia and/or healing disorders
Those who suffer with high blood pressure, who are taking blood thinning medications or who are hypoglycaemic
Those who have extreme phobias of needles or suffer with claustrophobia
Clients taking any form of skin thinning medications such as roaccutane or steroids, or those who are prone to keloid scarring, have eczema, psoriasis or any present skin infection at the injection site
Those who are known to be allergic to anaesthetics including lidocaine and any other product components of dermal filler
+ How bad will my lips swell after having lip filler?
Your lips are likely to swell quite a bit after lip fillers. We understand that this is scary and can also shock you when you look in the mirror right after your treatment. We ALWAYS warn clients prior to treatment that it is likely to happen so that they can manage their expectations.
We as practitioners, do believe that the swelling is the worst part of getting lip fillers. It can be very scary for the client when they first see their reflection and are worried that their lips won’t go down, but please be re assured that after 2 weeks, the true results will visible and the swelling would have dissapeared.
Most of our clients actually end up telling us that once their lip fillers have settled, they end up missing how their lips looked when they were really swollen!
We wouldn’t recommend booking a dermal filler treatment too close to any special events or important business meetings etc.
Taking an antihistamine and icing your lips intermittently after the treatment will help the swelling go down faster.
+ Should I massage my lips after the treatment?
No, there shouldn’t be any need to massage your lips after treatment as we do that for you during your appointment.
It is incredibly important NOT to touch your lips at all after having the treatment as this can lead to serious infections.
It is a normal side effect to experience lumps and bumps with dermal filler after but if you are still experiencing issues after 7-10 days then please message us and we can advise you on how to massage your lips, if at all necessary.
Massaging your lips without our go ahead can cause filler migration. This can lead to a build up of filler sitting above the boarder of the lip creating a projection on the lip and causing an unnatural and undesirable results. Please always consult us first, that’s what we are here for! :)
Aqualyx FAQs
+ What is Aqualyx and how does it work?
Aqualyx is a safe and effective fat dissolving injection treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated areas. It produces long lasting results by targeting small pockets of stubborn fat that won't diminish through excercise and diet. This treatment is most commonly used to treat double chins, knees, stomach, hips, thighs and under the buttocks.
Aqualyx dissolves the membrane of fat cells in the treated area, the fat cells then become unstable and break open. The fatty acids contained within the cell are then eliminated or liquified by macrophages (part of the body’s immune system) and the liver. Once it escapes the cell the fatty liquid can then be easily burned as the body metabolises it.
+ Is Aqualyx safe?
Whilst there is always risks associated with any injectable treatments Aqualyx has been approved and registered for use. Aqualyx has an excellent track record for producing safe, effective and long lasting ways to to eliminate fat.
+ How many treatments are required
The amount of treatments vary according to the desired degree of reduction, the dimensions of the fat deposits and the individual reactions of the fat tissue. On average you will need 3-5 appointments with 4 week intervals until you are satisfied with the results.
+ Does Aqualyx hurt?
Like with all injectable treatments there will be moderate pain, this will also depend on your pain threshold and area of treatment. Larger areas may lead to more discomfort as these areas will require more injections than smaller areas. We do everything possible to minimise your pain by combining Aqulayx with a numbing agent called Lidocaine (the same as what the dentists use), as the treatment goes on the discomfort becomes more manageable.
+ What are the side effects of Aqualyx?
Aqualyx is a minimally invasive procedure, however you are likely to experience swelling, bruising, numbness and tenderness in the treated area. This can take a few days to a few weeks to disappear (expect the latter if you have had a large area treated), however everyone can react differently to the treatments. Whilst there is no downtime required, we would recommend taking the next few days easy and planning your sessions around quiet periods.
+ How do I know if Aqualyx is right for me?
First and foremost this is not a weight loss solution, it is better for people who have stubborn areas of fat that diet and exercise alone have not been able to treat. Therefore if you are eating healthy and excising and you STILL have stubborn areas of fat then Aqualyx would be perfect for you to help contour your body.
+ Will the fat cells return?
If you keep a healthy lifestyle the fat treated areas are very unlikely to ever return, when fat cells have been injected by Aqualyx they are permanently gone providing you don’t gain weight. One way to ensure long lasting results is to continue to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. After the injections it is important that you keep a strict and healthy diet otherwise your body will simply store the liquid fat in an alternative fat pocket, and it will not flush out of your system.
+ What should I avoid after the treatment?
You should avoid touching the area for 12 hours, do not apply any lotion or cosmetics to the area and avoid sunlight, heat and radiation. You should also abstain from any demanding physical exercise for at least 7 days following the treatment.
+ Who is not suitable for this treatment?
Aqualyx is not recommended for anyone who is suffering with acute or chronic skin diseases in the affected areas.
For safety reasons all patients with medical history including anaphylactic reactions, severe allergies or physical illnesses, auto immune diseases and diabetes are not suited to this treatment.
Please note pregnant and breastfeeding women are also not able to undergo this treatment.
Profhilo FAQs
+ What is Profhilo bio-remodelling?
In simpler terms, Profhilo is a treatment which works by targeting the skin from the inside out. It is known as a 'liquid injectable moisturiser' that helps to feed and nourish the skin as well as encouraging it to heal itself by new production of new collagen and elastin.
Profhilo is the first BDDE free stabilised injectable hyaluronic acid. This means it is not a cross linked therefore contains the highest concentrated level available on the market today.
Profhilo is different to dermal filler in the sense that it is not used to build volume or create contours in the face. It is a bio remodelling product which works by nurturing the skin from the inside.
+ How is Profhilo done?
Profhilo works in a course of 2 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart. It is injected into the dermis strategically by using a bio aesthetic point specifically developed for Profhilo. 5 injections take place either side of the face to give maximum results, this is proven to be the optimum way for the product for spread evenly through the facial tissues and generate the best results.
+ Am I suitable for Profhilo?
If you are unhappy with your skin lasticiy, have crepey or thin skin, as well as other visible signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, you could be suitable for Profhilo.
Generally, this is a treatment well suited for anybody trying to fight the signs of ageing but it is especially popular with clients over the age of 30.
+ Is there anything I need to avoid after this treatment?
As with any injectable treatment you must not touch the area or apply make up for at least 24 hours as this is likely to cause an infection.
You will need to avoid the following for 24 hours:
- Exercise
- Make up
- Sunbeds
- Steam rooms
- Saunas
- Swimming
You will also need to avoid excessive sunlight for 48 hours as this product can increase skin sensitivity.
+ How long does it take to see results?
Initial results can be seen after a few days however they may be minimal. The full results will not be visible until 4 weeks after both treatments have been successfully completed.
How long do results from profhilo last?
Results from Profhilo can last anything from 6-12 months depending on your individual reaction and metabolism to the product.
We recommend returning for a 6 monthly maintenance treatment to keep your skin looking healthy and hydrated.
+ Are there any side effects?
The most common side effects are redness, bruising, tenderness and possible itching at the injection sites. These will all subside in a few hours/days and are totally normal.
Immediately after the treatment, the injection area can become inflamed and raised, resembling hives. This is nothing to worry about, and is simply just the product waiting to disperse underneath the skins surface, making it visible.
We would recommend having this treatment done at a time where you have no immediate plans.
Beauty FAQs
+ How do I know which eyelash extension style will suit me best?
This is really down to personal preference and the reason why you are choosing to get lash extensions in the first place.
If you know that you want a really natural look and you are getting lash extensions done to make your life easier in terms of getting ready in the morning etc, then we would always recommend starting with some classic eyelashes. If you want them a little heavier, you can add in some volume fans at your next appointment.
+ Does getting eyelash extensions hurt?
Absolutely not, most of our clients find is so relaxing they actually doze off.
+ Do lash extensions damage your natural eyelashes?
If eyelash extensions are applied properly and safely then they will cause no damage to your natural lashes.
However, a lack of aftercare will almost definitely guarantee to cause damage to your natural lashes. This would include things like not cleaning them regularly, wearing mascara and rubbing your eyes excessively.
We always educate clients on how to care for their lashes once they leave the clinic, so please make sure you read your aftercare card and ask us if you have any questions on how to keep them in the best condition possible.
Your eyelashes will almost always appear to be straighter and thinner once you decide to take your extensions off, this is mainly because the extension weighs on the curl of your natural lash , causing it to to drop slightly after continuous months/years of wearing.
Please note, that this is not classed as damage to the lashes and they will gradually continue to flourish once you have a break from your extensions.
Once you have decided to take a break from lash extensions you will notice that you have got really used to how you look with extensions on, framing your eyes and you may feel really odd and ‘naked’ without them. This can cause people to think that their natural lashes have become damaged because they never really noticed how short they looked before in comparison to wearing extensions regularly.
+ I got my lashes done somewhere else and they are hurting/ I don’t like them! What can I do?
Don’t worry! Please do not try and remove the lash extensions yourself. We can professionally remove them for you and re apply a fresh new set if you wish.
+ Can I have lash extensions if my natural lashes are short/fine/curly/sparse?
Absolutely! The look and style that may be best suited for you lashes could vary depending on these factors, however we will always do our best to make them look amazing.
+ Can you feel extensions when they are on?
Most clients are surprised that they can’t feel anything when they open their eyes after the treatment! For some clients, It may take a day or two to get used to having extensions, however they will not feel uncomfortable or heavy.
+ What treatments require a patch test?
Patch tests are mandatory for:
- Lash & Brow tint
Patch tests are optional for eyelash extensions, please contact us if you have sensitive skin or commonly allergic to new products and would like to organise a patch test free of charge.
+ I just want lashes as a one off for my wedding, is this something I can trial?
Absolutely! We always feel so privileged to be able to do your lashes for your special day! If your new to lashes and want to try a few different styles out then we would recommend trialing these out a few months prior to the wedding. You can then decide to keep up the appointments until the date with lash maintenance infills, or just have the current ones removed, and a brand new set of your selected style ready in time for the big day!
Don’t worry, we can help guide you through the process and we won’t stop until you are 100% happy.
+ How long is an appointment for lash extensions?
We block out 2 hours for a full set and 1 hour for an infill.
+ How long will my lash extensions last? Why do I need infills?
Lash extensions will generally last for about 6 weeks start to finish. This is because they are applied individually to each natural lash that you have. Every time your natural lashes shed, your extensions will shed as they are attached to your natural lash.
We get a brand new full set of natural lashes grow through every 6-8 weeks, so this means that towards the end of the cycle, along with general ‘wear and tear’ your lash extensions would have fallen out alongside your natural lash cycle.
It is recommended to get lash infills every 2-3 weeks depending on how fast your natural growth is to keep the lashes looking fresh and full.
If you didn’t get infills then your lashes would start to become increasingly sparse at the 3-4 week as your lashes begin to shed naturally.
if you don’t want to pay for maintenance infills and you don’t mind the look of them shedding then you can just get a new set of extensions every 6 weeks instead.
+ Can I wear mascara after having LVL?
Yes! LVL lashes is totally different to lash extensions(where wearing mascara is not ideal) LVL lashes simply perm your natural lashes, then tint is applied to make them look longer and darker meaning there is no need to wear any eye make up at all. However, adding mascara to this look will be perfect for a more dramatic effect or a special occasion.
+ Can me and my friend both come in for beauty treatments at the same time?
Unfortunatly we are not able to offer this service at the moment due to the new laws and guidelines assosiated with coronavirus, however as soon as the restrictions are lifted we will let you know.
We hope we can resume this type of service soon as we love having friends come together! Please bare in mind though that we are only a small clinic so could only facilitate 2 friends at a time.
We offer this service for lash extensions, dermaplaning, brow lamination, lvl lashes, vitamin b12 boosters and dermal fillers.
+ I want a spray tan but dont want it to go too dark/orange!
Please don’t worry!
We use Fake Bake tanning solution which is perfect as YOU decide how dark you want to go.
For a natural glow wash the tan off after 1 hour, leave on for 2 hours for a medium colour and for a dark deep tan keep on for 3 hours.
+ Do you offer spray tan parties?
Unfortunatly we are not able to offer this service at the moment due to the new laws and guidelines assosiated with corona virus, however as soon as the restrictions are lifted we will let you know.
If and when these restirctions are lifted, we absolutely can. If you are a bridesmaid squad or even just a group of friends wanting to get their glow for an occasion we can arrange this. Drop us a message with your requirements and we will get back to you.
+ I am really self concious, do I have to get completely undressed to have a spray tan?
Firstly, please don’t feel self conscious, we have seen plenty of naked bodies in our time! However, we want you to feel 100% comfortable during your spray tanning treatment so please feel free to wear whatever you like.
We would encourage people to wear pants or a thong but to go topless for best results. if you would feel more comfortable in a bikini, bra, or shorts and a t shirt then please feel free to do so, however you might end up with some dodgy tan lines!
+ What do I need to do to prepare for a spray tan?
For best results, please exfoliate and complete any hair removal at least 24 hours before the treatment.
Arrive to your appointment completely clean and free of any make up, deodorant or oils. Ingredients in these products can interfere with the spray tan adhering to your skin and can turn your armpits green!
Please remember to turn up wearing something loose, dark and comfortable to your appointment, this ensures you are not rubbing lines into your fresh tan.
+ Will it turn my bed sheets orange!?
Unlike other traditional spray tans, you are not required to keep our spray tan on overnight.
The tan can be washed off after just 1 hour, or can be kept on for a maximum of 3 hours.
If you prefer to sleep in your tan, your welcome to do so but the tan won’t develop any further after the 3 hours and you will most likely need to wash your bedding!
General FAQs
+ I need to change my appointment, will I loose my booking fee?
Booking fees are strictly non refundable. Your booking fee can be transferable to another date providing we have been given 48 hours notice.
+ Do you have a waiting area if I am early or want to bring a friend/child?
We are an appointment only clinic so the doors are locked when we are with clients to ensure nobody comes in unannounced. If you are early, please wait in your car until your appointment time. Your friend is welcome to stay during your appointment if you wish however we do not allow friends with you for any injectable treatments as it can be very off putting for both us and you. Due to the nature of the business no children are allowed in the clinic at any time.
+ Do you have toilet facilities?
Yes we do, you won't get caught short here!
+ How do I leave you a review?
We would absolutely love to receive your reviews and feedback as they really help support our small business. Please feel free to leave a review on google, facebook or even just email us and we would proudly display it on our website.
+ I am running late to my appointment, what will happen?
We will always do our best to try and fit you in however, unfortunately If you are later than 20 minutes to your appointment, it it likely that we will not be able to see you. You would loose your booking fee, need to rebook for another date and pay a new booking fee for the new appointment.
+ How do I book an appointment?
Press the contact us button at the top of the page to arrange an appointment and we will get back to you with our availability.
You can also contact us via email or message us on facebook or instagram.
+ Do I need to prove I am over 18?
YES! please bring your ID in all circumstances. Injecting anyone under the age of 18 is illegal and we will always ask for proof of age.
+ Do you have any onsite parking?
Yes, plenty of free parking right outside the clinic. Yes we accept both cash and card but unfortunately we do not accept bank transfer or cheques.
+ Do you take card?
Yes we accept both cash and card but unfortunately we do not accept bank transfer or cheques.
+ Will my pictures be used on social media?
Legally, we will always take before and after pictures for our personal business records.
During your will be asked to sign a disclaimer to state whether or not you are happy with us using your images for marketing or social media purposes. if you do not want your photos used then please do not agree on the form, otherwise we are legally own the rights to your images.
Please note, occasionally we run special offers at high discounted rates to gain marketing content including photos from clients. If you are booking in on a special offer please be aware that your images are likely to be used in these circumstances. If you do not agree with us using your photos, then unfortunately you may not be eligible for the discount and will therefore be required to pay full price for the treatment.